富豪 B9TL (Wright) Volvo B9TL (Wright)

繼二零零五至零六年間先後購入兩批歐三版本的富豪B9TL,新捷運於二零零九年八月再次向富豪發出購買一百五十架B9TL新車合約,並安排於二零一零年開始付運及投入服務。這次新捷運所購買的B9TL,全數將配用歐五排放標準引擎,而這批新車最矚目的地方是,車身不再如上批歐三版本採用本地康福高車身,而是採用來自北愛爾蘭的Wright Eclipse Gemini 2車身。為了達到歐盟五型排放標準,富豪這次向新捷運提供的B9TL新車採用了SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)技術,而早年應用在一架歐盟三型B9TL身上的ZF Ecolife六前速全自動波箱,成為是批新車的標準機械配件。新捷運在這批新車上採用了德國開利超卓的空調系統,與早年的B9TL採用的日本電裝空調系統有所不同。

除了樣板車SBS7500D是由Wright於其北愛爾蘭總部裝嵌車身外,其他一百四十九架新車都是於新捷運的后港車身裝嵌廠組裝來自英國的車身散件,而這批B9TL亦成為Wright成立以來,首批提供車身散件於海外組裝裝的新車。另外,SBS7500D在英國裝嵌時,於上層車頭曾經設有樹檔,但在正式投入服務前已經被拆除。新捷運首批歐五版本車身B9TL雖然跟香港同期引進的同款新車,都是採用Wright的 Eclipse Gemini 2車身,但好些細節上兩者都有所分別。一如其他新加坡公共巴士,新捷運這批Wright車身B9TL未有設置太平門,車尾路線牌及車牌擺放位置亦跟香港版本有所不同。至於車廂設計方面,新捷運仍然採用了傳統的曲樓梯設計,而且低地台區域到達中門便告終止,未有進一步延伸至車尾位置,至於輪椅停泊位置則被安排在樓梯之後,剛好對正中門位置,以便乘坐輪椅乘客利用設於中門的斜板進出車廂。電子路線牌箱在這批新車上已經成為標準裝備,並由德國Hanover提供。全數一百五十架新車合共提供八十二個座位及四十九個下層企位,並於二零一零年九月至翌年八月投入服務,進一步改善新捷運服務質素。

當新捷運向富豪發出首張B9TL訂單不久之後,同月新捷運公佈購買六百架新巴士作車隊更新之用,當中三百架新車為B9TL並繼續採用Wright Eclipse Gemini 2車身,並於后港車身裝配廠完成車身組裝工程。第二批歐五版本富豪B9TL緊隨首批新車自二零一一年九月投入服務,是批首三十架新車採用首批新車車廂佈局,但自第三十一架新車開始下層車廂採用全低地台設計,低地台區域由車頭一直延伸至車尾,並採用全新座位佈局設計,同時載客量亦較之前版本多出兩個企位。至於電子路線牌箱供應商亦由這架新車開始由Hanover變成LECIP。第二批B9TL新車在機械配搭方面,與首一百五十架Wright車身B9TL基本一樣,只是改為配置福伊特四前速全自動波箱。在第二批B9TL新車陸續交付新捷運時候,二零一二年七月新捷運因替換車隊中老舊巴士及擴充服務網絡需要,招標購買一千架新車,其中富豪跟Wright成功奪得當中雙層新車合約,提供五百五十架B9TL新車, 而相關訂單數目並於稍後時間調整為五百六十五架新車。第三批B9TL新車不論機械配搭及車廂設計,都跟第二批採用下層全低地台設計的新車一致,只是這批次中較早期的成員電子路線牌箱採用LECIP牌箱,隨後的新車的牌箱則恢復採用Hanover出品。第三批新車亦緊接著屬第二批新車最後成員投入服務後不久,自二零一三年一月開始陸續登記出牌,替換車隊老舊的巴士之外,亦滿足了巴士服務優化計劃所帶來的額外用車需求,至於是批富豪B9TL中最後的成員,亦悉數於二零一五年六月投入服務。



After the introduction of the ComfortDelGro Engineering (CDGE) bodied Volvo B9TL between 2005 and 2006, SBS Transit placed an repeated order for 150 B9TL in Aug., 2009 and delivery would be started from 2010. Unlike the first batch of B9TL, this batch was featured with a Euro 5 emission standard Volvo engine with SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) technology applied and bodied by Wright from Northern Ireland with their Eclipse Gemini 2 bodywork. In addition, the 6-speed ZF Ecolife series fully automatic transmission that trial on a CDGE bodied B9TL was chosen on this batch of Wright bodied B9TL and bus compartment was air conditioned by Carrier-Sutrak instead of Nippon Denso.

The first of the batch, SBS7500D was completed it bodywork at their Ballymena base as demonstrator and tree guard was once fitted but removed when entering service. While the remaining 149 chassis was bodied by CDGE at Hougang assembly plant and this was the first time for Wright bodywork to be assembled locally with kits to be delivered as completely knocked-down. When compared with the Wright Eclipse Gemini 2 bodied B9TL in Hong Kong, the location of both rear registration plate and route indicator box and no emergency exit provided. Moreover, SBS Transit adapted a different body layout with spiral staircase fitted and low floor area was ended at the centre exit. Wheelchair parking bay was adjacent to staircase and opposite to the centre exit where the ramp located. Electronic route display on this batch of Volvo B9TL was supplied from Hanover and this was already as the standard in SBS Transit fleet. Wright bodied Volvo B9TL can carry 131 passengers including 55 upper deck seatings and 27 lower deck seatings and after their commissioned between Sep., 2010 and Aug., 2011, service standard of SBS Transit was improved.

During the procurement of 600 new buses which also confirmed in Aug., 2009, another 300 Volvo B9TL were included as a part of fleet renewal programme and started to enter service since Sep., 2011. As the first batch of Euro 5 version B9TL, they were received their Wright bodyworks locally and the first 30 of the batch followed the same compartment layout as batch 1. Starting from the 31st of the batch, a full low floor layout was chosen with the modified seating arrangement and hence total 133 passengers can be accommodated. LECIP electronic route display was fitted instead of Hanover and Voith 4-speed fully automatic transmission was chosen. To keep replacing the aging fleet and for service enhancement, 550 Volvo B9TL were acquired and the order was soon adjusted to 565 units and full low floor design still be the option with both LECIP and Hanover as the supplier of electronic route display. The batch 3 was entered service between Jan., 2013 and Jun., 2015, they not only took the place of the retired bus in the fleet but also fulfilled the need of the BSEP.

Volvo was awarded a tender of supplying 415 B9TL with Wright Eclipse Gemini 2 bodywokrs from SBS Transit in 2014 and delivery was started in mid. of 2015. A modified compartment was appeared in this batch of B9TL with a newly designed "Square Case" fitted as seen in the B9TL of KMB at the same time. This batch had the highest carrying capacity with 133 passengers can be carried as a result of 2 more standees provided. ZF 6-speed Ecolife series gearbox was seen again on this batch of B9TL and all of them were fitted with Hanover route display. LTA itself placed another order for 176 Volvo B9TL in 2015 built to the specification as the batch 4 variant of SBS Transit to cope with the operation need of the BCM. These two purchasing orders made by SBS Transit and LTA were the very last B9TL supplied to Singapore and all were entered service before the end of Dec., 2017.

Volvo B9TL was first brought to Singapore by SBS Transit and it was once the only operator of the model in the nation. As bus service gradually operated under BCM and as other public buses in Singapore, Volvo B9TL were now owned by LTA and assigned to different operators according to the need of different bus packages. Until the end of Apr., 2022, B9TL was still the largest double deckers fleet in Singapore, however, Volvo was then failed to compete with MAN and Alexander Dennis in supplying further double deckers to LTA.

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車牌 Registration No.:SBS3003Z
路線 Route:102

車牌 Registration No.:SBS3008K
路線 Route:168

車牌 Registration No.:SBS3242A
路線 Route:161

車牌 Registration No.:SBS3264L
路線 Route:

車牌 Registration No.:SBS3342U
路線 Route:334

車牌 Registration No.:SBS3387J
路線 Route:暫停服務 Off Service

車牌 Registration No.:SBS3420C
路線 Route:78

車牌 Registration No.:SBS3519C
路線 Route:76

車牌 Registration No.:SBS3700U
路線 Route:65

車牌 Registration No.:SBS3774G
路線 Route:147

車牌 Registration No.:SBS3827M
路線 Route:暫停服務 Off Service

車牌 Registration No.:SBS3882C
路線 Route:117

車牌 Registration No.:SBS3954D
路線 Route:51

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7502Z
路線 Route:174

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7505R
路線 Route:60

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7509E
路線 Route:60

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7511Y
路線 Route:174

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7517G
路線 Route:22

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7526E
路線 Route:197

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7530S
路線 Route:143

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7532L
路線 Route:28

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7535D
路線 Route:30

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7536B
路線 Route:30

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7538X
路線 Route:99

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7551G
路線 Route:99

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7552D
路線 Route:30

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7557R
路線 Route:174

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7561C
路線 Route:17

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7562A
路線 Route:197

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7565S
路線 Route:22

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7566P
路線 Route:197

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7577H
路線 Route:22

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7578E
路線 Route:197

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7586G
路線 Route:99

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7590T
路線 Route:30

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7600Z
路線 Route:30

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7601X
路線 Route:60

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7609A
路線 Route:99

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7610U
路線 Route:22

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7611S
路線 Route:99

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7612P
路線 Route:30

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7616D
路線 Route:99
The upper deck compartment of SBS7616D

車牌 Registration No.:SBS7617B
路線 Route:17

車牌 Registration No.:SG5044D
路線 Route:811

車牌 Registration No.:SG5019C
路線 Route:98

車牌 Registration No.:SG5079D
路線 Route:3

車牌 Registration No.:SG5124G
路線 Route:811

車牌 Registration No.:SG5130M
路線 Route:812

車牌 Registration No.:SG5359X
路線 Route:暫停服務 Off Service

車牌 Registration No.:SG5387P
路線 Route:74

車牌 Registration No.:SG5388L
路線 Route:147

車牌 Registration No.:SG5390D
路線 Route:147

車牌 Registration No.:SG5414U
路線 Route:130

車牌 Registration No.:SG5429C
路線 Route:983

車牌 Registration No.:SG5447A
路線 Route:74

車牌 Registration No.:SG5517G
路線 Route:969

車牌 Registration No.:SG5566P
路線 Route:107

車牌 Registration No.:SG5573T
路線 Route:訓練巴士 Training Bus

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