富豪B10M Volvo B10M



新加坡巴士隨後於一九九二至九三年購車訂單中,添置三百架B10M底盤,車身一律採用都普組件,並增添德國超卓或日本富士的空調系統,用作進一步推廣空調巴士服務。這三百架B10M第三型聯同平治O405成為新加坡巴士九十年代初空調巴士主力。另外,若干的B10M三型曾於新加坡巴士附屬公司,新加坡消閑公司訂購的B10M Intercooled到達前,被借調行走聖淘沙島穿梭路線,直到相關新車投入服務為止。

富豪於一九九五年為新加坡巿民帶來最新的第四代B10M,符合歐盟一型排放標準的Intercooled,跟第二及第三型最大分別,左前軸之後裝設有空氣冷卻器,而車身則隨引進批次而有所不同,首一百一十五台底盤被裝上都普車身,外觀上跟第三型相似,水箱欄柵亦隨冷卻水箱一併由車頭遷往左邊前軸後。隨後的二百架B10M Intercooled新車車身組件則改由亞歷山大提供的Strider取代。當新加坡巴士向富豪訂購最後一批一百五十架B10M Intercooled時,都普再度成功替新車打造車身,這趟是DM3500型號車身。

除了上述的B10M外,新加坡巴士尚有三款B10M分支,一九九四年為配合行走聖淘沙島穿梭路線,新加坡巴士子公司─新加坡消閑公司訂購二十架B10M Intercooled,車身選配採用本地順洲企業產品,當失去聖淘沙穿梭路線後,這批B10M當中十架被撥入新捷運車隊,車牌亦由SH字頭重新登記成SBS作開首的車牌。為了提高一些不能派出雙層巴士行走的路線載客量,新加坡巴士除了於一九九五年引進一架長十四點五米三車軸B10M超長巴士,亦於翌年購入一架長十九米的B10M掛接巴士。兩車同配都普車身,當中掛接巴士號稱為全亞洲最長的巴士。超長B10M及掛接版本B10M基本上都是源於B10M Intercooled,所以其都普車身亦跟第一批B10M Intercooled一樣,只是車尾因為要方便車長觀察後方車輛而向內收窄。作為樣板車來說,兩架與眾不同的B10M未有取得任何成功,在往後購車訂單中並未有同型新車出現。

儘管B10M在新加坡巴士以至其後的新捷運擔當重要角色,但終會有退役的一天,首架Van Hool樣板車早於九十年代初已經從載客車隊中退役,執行訓練車長任務,隨後於九十年代末更被轉售至紐西蘭;掛接B10M樣板車亦於二零零六年遭遇同樣的命運,退役後被出售到紐西蘭。至於B10M第二型,最後一輛亦於二零零八年退役,當中若干車輛被轉售外地,餘下則被拆毀。來自聖淘沙的順洲車身B10M Intercooled已經於二零一一年五月退役,而在二零一二年六月七日之後,隨著新捷運最後一架B10M第三型退役,車隊中餘下的B10M全是清一色第四代Intercooled型。二零一二年十月中,超長B10M樣板車亦因機件故障而提早退役。

目前仍在服役中的B10M Intercooled,新捷運因應延長服務年期而替其進行全面翻新,不過隨著更多的平治Citaro加入,距離它們全數退役日子亦不遠矣。過去新加坡街頭充斥著富豪B10M的情景,已陸陸續續換成是Scania K230UB及平治Citaro作為當中的主角。

Singapore operated the most Volvo B10M in South-east Asia. Since 1986, SBS Bus Service received it first Volvo B10M demonstrator with VanHool bodywork featured with air-conditioned, Volvo B10M played a significant role in the fleet. Totally 967 Volvo B10Ms were introduced between 1988-2001. Different specifications were found in different batches of B10M introduced. Whether the B10M was conventional or air conditioned, they were mainly bodied by Walter Alexander and Duple Metsec from UK with a very little portion shared by local builder, Soon Chow.

The first bulk order of Volvo B10M made was in 1998 and total 200 B10M Mk II chassis were delivered as conventional buses with bodyworks equally shared by Walter Alexander and Duple Metsec. As to increased the number of air-conditioned buses, SBS converted part of this batch B10M to air-conditioned. After conversion, the B10M Mk II still can be easily recognized as they retained the original rounded windows though already sealed. Standard SBS Transit livery in purple, red and white coloured was applied after the SBS renamed into SBS Transit in 2001.

The fleet of air-conditioned buses was strengthened after the introduction Volvo B10M Mk III between 1992 and 1993. All of them were bodied by Duple Metsec with roof-mounted air-conditioning unit supplied by Sutrak of Germany and Fuji from Japan. They were the mainstream of single decker together with Mercedes Benz O405 in SBS fleet during the early 1990s. In addition, as the B10M Intercooled ordered by SBS Leisure, the subsidiary of SBS, were not yet arrived for the shuttle service of Sentosa, several units of the Mk III were shortly running such service with the designated Sentosa service livery.

The last version of the B10M, Intercooled was arrived in 1995 featured with Euro 1 standard engine and intercooler installed adjacent to the front axle of nearside. Different bodyworks chosen on the Intercooled according to the batch introduced. First 115 B10Ms intercooled were fitted with Duple Metsec bodyworks which shared some similarity of the Mk III unless the radiator grille is located at the behind of the front axle of the nearside. Following the second batch of 200 samples arrival, was the newly designed Walter Alexander Strider bodyworks. Finally, the choice of the bodywork went back to Duple Metsec with their DM3500 series on the last 150 Volvo B10M Intercooled chassis.

There are three more branches of the SBS Volvo B10M family. As mentioned before, SBS Leisure ordered a batch of B10M Intercooled in 1994 for the Sentosa shuttle service. Unliked SBS, bodywork for this batch of B10M was supplied by Soon Chow. 10 of them were transferred to SBS Transit after the lost of this shuttle service with their registration number changed from SH-prefix to SBS-prefix. In 1995 and 1996, two B10M demonstrator with Duple Metsec bodyworks were introduced. Both of them were used to evaluate the use of high capacity single decker on routes with high demand but double decker cannot be deployed. The first to be arrived was a Volvo B10M Super Long bus (14.5m in length with 3-axles) and followed by an articulated version B10M, the longest bus in Asia which 19m in length. As to give a better observation for the traffic behind the bus, the bodywork on this pair demonstrator was tapered. Neither of them can gain further order from SBS afterwards.

The first of the fleet, Van Hool bodied B10M demonstrator was off from revenue service and as training bus in Ang Mo Kio depot in early 1990s and sold to New Zealand in late 1990s. The articulated B10M demonstrator was sold to New Zealand too in 2006 upon it withdrawal. The last Volvo B10M Mk II was retired in 2008 and some of them were sold overseas. In May, 2011, all Soon Chow samples were abandoned and the Mk III was fully retired from the fleet on 7 Jun., 2012. Finally, the Super Long B10M was forced to retire in the mid. of Oct., 2012 due to mechanical failure.

The B10M remained in the fleet are all Intercooled and cabin refurbishment already done to expand their lifespan. It would not too far for B10M disappeared in Singapore as more and more Mercedes Benz Citaro delivered and the scene full of B10M on the road, would be changed into Scania K230UB and Citaro gradually.

[ B10M MK III with Duple Metsec bodywork ] [ B10M Intercooled with Duple Metsec bodywork ]

[ B10M Intercooled Super Long with Duple Metsec bodywork ]

[ B10M Intercooled with Walter Alexander Strider bodywork ] [ B10M Intercooled with Duple Metsec DM3500 bodywork ]

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Volvo B10M MK III with Duple Metsec bodywork [ back to top ]

車牌 Registration No.:SBS585E
路線 Route:195

車牌 Registration No.:SBS608Z
路線 Route:18

車牌 Registration No.:SBS627T
路線 Route:28

車牌 Registration No.:SBS630H
路線 Route:35

車牌 Registration No.:SBS654P
路線 Route:222

車牌 Registration No.:SBS656J
路線 Route:293

車牌 Registration No.:SBS667C
路線 Route:16

車牌 Registration No.:SBS686Y
路線 Route:32

車牌 Registration No.:SBS695X
路線 Route:401

車牌 Registration No.:SBS709R
路線 Route:160

車牌 Registration No.:SBS714A
路線 Route:160

車牌 Registration No.:SBS715Y
路線 Route:96

車牌 Registration No.:SBS718P
路線 Route:170

車牌 Registration No.:SBS719L
路線 Route:160

車牌 Registration No.:SBS725T
路線 Route:99

車牌 Registration No.:SBS726R
路線 Route:293

車牌 Registration No.:SBS740Z
路線 Route:197

車牌 Registration No.:SBS748C
路線 Route:93

車牌 Registration No.:SBS752P
路線 Route:暫停服務 Off Service

車牌 Registration No.:SBS755G
路線 Route:282

車牌 Registration No.:SBS756D
路線 Route:16

車牌 Registration No.:SBS770L
路線 Route:40

車牌 Registration No.:SBS773D
路線 Route:23

車牌 Registration No.:SBS778R
路線 Route:291

車牌 Registration No.:SBS779M
路線 Route:96

車牌 Registration No.:SBS780H
路線 Route:32

車牌 Registration No.:SBS794T
路線 Route:32

車牌 Registration No.:SBS798H
路線 Route:16

車牌 Registration No.:SBS799E
路線 Route:156

車牌 Registration No.:SBS817L
路線 Route:96
路線 Route:160

車牌 Registration No.:SBS820B
路線 Route:195

車牌 Registration No.:SBS828E
路線 Route:33

車牌 Registration No.:SBS830Y
路線 Route:35

車牌 Registration No.:SBS831U
路線 Route:195

車牌 Registration No.:SBS843K
路線 Route:284

車牌 Registration No.:SBS854D
路線 Route:93

車牌 Registration No.:SBS857X
路線 Route:CT18

車牌 Registration No.:SBS865Y
路線 Route:16

車牌 Registration No.:SBS872B
路線 Route:51

Volvo B10M Intercooled with Duple Metsec bodywork [ back to top ]

車牌 Registration No.:SBS893R
路線 Route:87

車牌 Registration No.:SBS909E
路線 Route:196

車牌 Registration No.:SBS918D
路線 Route:156

車牌 Registration No.:SBS922R
路線 Route:229

車牌 Registration No.:SBS923M
路線 Route:197

車牌 Registration No.:SBS949P
路線 Route:9

車牌 Registration No.:SBS971Z
路線 Route:35

車牌 Registration No.:SBS990T
路線 Route:131

車牌 Registration No.:SBS992M
路線 Route:225

車牌 Registration No.:SBS995E
路線 Route:147

Volvo B10M Intercooled Super Long with Duple Metsec bodywork [ back to top ]

車牌 Registration No.:SBS997A
路線 Route:83

Volvo B10M Intercooled with Walter Alexander Strider bodywork [ back to top ]

車牌 Registration No.:SBS1912M
路線 Route:197

車牌 Registration No.:SBS1914H
路線 Route:182M

車牌 Registration No.:SBS1927X
路線 Route:175

車牌 Registration No.:SBS1933C
路線 Route:197

車牌 Registration No.:SBS1941D
路線 Route:78

車牌 Registration No.:SBS1944X
路線 Route:78

車牌 Registration No.:SBS1947M
路線 Route:22

車牌 Registration No.:SBS1969A
路線 Route:81

車牌 Registration No.:SBS1979X
路線 Route:38

車牌 Registration No.:SBS1985C
路線 Route:31

車牌 Registration No.:SBS1990L
路線 Route:30

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2594R
路線 Route:16

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2613U
路線 Route:16

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2626H
路線 Route:5

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2634J
路線 Route:131

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2654B
路線 Route:10
路線 Route:105

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2667P
路線 Route:訓練巴士 Training Bus

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2673X
路線 Route:282

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2684P
路線 Route:32

Volvo B10M Intercooled with Duple Metsec DM3500 bodywork [ back to top ]

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2702X
路線 Route:175

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2717D
路線 Route:96

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2720T
路線 Route:16

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2724H
路線 Route:175

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2728Y
路線 Route:175

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2738T
路線 Route:暫停服務 Off Service

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2746U
路線 Route:506

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2749L
路線 Route:78

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2757M
路線 Route:93

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2769D
路線 Route:暫停服務 Off Service

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2782P
路線 Route:7

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2792K
路線 Route:38

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2806E
路線 Route:285

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2824C
路線 Route:175

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2827U
路線 Route:506

車牌 Registration No.:SBS2835X
路線 Route:284M

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