富豪B10BLE Volvo B10BLE

低地台巴士概念早於一九九六年於香港萌芽,城巴引進兩架配Plaxton Pointer車身的B6LE,不設梯級的入口,配合斜板及提供輪椅停泊位置,為乘坐輪椅人士提供最大方便。在新加坡,則較香港遲兩年才見到低地台巴士投入服務,而供應商也是富豪,不同的是新加坡引進的低地台巴士是大型單層巴士型號,B10BLE。

富豪B10B是早年富豪收購了利蘭巴士部門後,開發出來的新產品,以取代原有的Lynx,新捷運前身新加坡巴士亦於一九八九年購入一架利蘭Lynx,但只此一架。為了迎合低地台潮流,一九九二年富豪從B10B底盤上發展出B10BLE,LE代表了Low Entrance,亦即是無梯級的低入口意思。新加坡作為富豪其中一個主要海外巿場,富豪於一九九八年聯同澳洲Vogren打造了一架配CR221L車身B010BLE樣板巴士,向新加坡巴士推介。新巴士車牌為SBS1688K,投入服務後被安排行走往返樟宜機場的36路線,目前則被安排行走163線。雖然說是低地台巴士,但跟香港相比,但這部B10BLE除了低入口設計外,未有相關服務輪椅乘客的設施。


In 1996, we first saw low floor bus entered service with Volvo B6LE bodied by Plaxton introduced by City Bus. The stepless entrance with ramp and space for wheelchair provided convenience to disabled. While in Singapore, low floor bus was first introduced by Singapore Bus Service in 1998. The supplier same as Hong Kong but with different model, B10BLE with Volgren CR221L bodywork.

B10B is the successor of Leyland Lynx, we can find a sole Lynx demonstrator in SBS fleet in 1989. To cope with the trend of providing easy access bus, B10BLE was launched in 1992, "LE" means low entrance and no steps on it. As Singapore is one of the important overseas market, Volvo supplied a B10BLE to SBS for trial. This demonstrator was registered as SBS1688K and served route 36 when first entered service. At present, this B10BLE demonstrator is found on route 163. Though it is a low floor bus, there is no ramp and wheelchair parking space provided.

SBS Transit placed an order for 12 Volvo B10BLE (SBS2988M-SBS2999G), but this time all B10BLEs are powered by Natural Gas engine. All CNG-powered B10BLE were received their Volgren CR222L bodyworks laically with the help of Soon Chow. The first two were entered service in 2002 serving the Jurong Island route while the remaining stayed in depot until 2005-2006. All CNG-powered B10BLE are mainly serving routes around Jurong East.

車牌 Registration No/路線 Route:SBS2992A/105

車牌 Registration No/路線 Route:SBS2994U/105

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