猛獅 NL323 MAN NL323

為珀麗灣提供接駁服務的珀麗灣客運,繼於早前從不同本地營運商購入多架二手旅遊巴士,以增強陸路運輸能力後,於二零一四年再引進一架全新大型單層低地台巴士,來自德國的猛獅NL323,成為本港第四個擁有這款巴士的營運商。珀麗灣引進的新車選用跟新香港巴士同型車輛一樣的馬來西亞順豐車身,型號是Lion's City Hybrid,在載客量方面則較新香港巴士的同款巴士遜色,只有七十七人,包括三十三個座位及四十四個企位。另外,路線牌箱採用Hanover出品,跟新香港巴士選擇不一樣。


In 2014, after a series of acquiring second hand coaches from different local operators to enhance the carrying capacity of land transport, Park Island introduced a new full-sized single decker MAN NL323 bodied by Gemilang of Malaysia and the bus was delivered to Hong Kong on 3 Mar., 2014. Park Island Transport Co. Ltd. is the fourth operator of the MAN NL323 in Hong Kong and the appearance of this sample is similar to those operated by NHKB unless orange coloured LED route display is provided by Hanover.

The bus was registered as HA9428, registration number inherited from a second hand Dart SLF from KMB, on 16 Apr., 2014 after all essential tests and adjustments completed. It started it service on 2 May, 2014 with the maiden trip on route NR330. A further NL323 were delivered to Park Island in Aug ., 2014 and carrying the registration no. of KZ1269, the third in the fleet and it was first seen on the Designline Hybrid commissioned in 2003.

車牌 Registration No.:HA9428

車牌 Registration No.:KZ1269

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