丹尼士/亞歷山大丹尼士飛鏢 Dennis / Alexander Dennis Dart

編號 Class:101,107 - 116, 201 - 203 (2012 - 2014)

丹尼士飛鏢絕對是珀麗灣客運中的主力,車隊八成都是由丹尼士飛鏢組成,這包括六架從九巴購入的十米版本飛鏢低地台巴士,以及八架全新的,也是全港唯一一批Super Pointer Dart低地台巴士。兩批巴士外觀分別在於購自九巴的,用上Plaxton Pointer 1型車身,Super Pointer Dart則採用同廠的2型車身。


如果上述情況成真的話,後果絕對不堪設想,居民有家歸不得,必定惹來不滿,為解決問題,有關方面在一個懸掛八號颱風信號的日子,從九巴借來一架丹尼士飛鏢低地台巴士,作實際測試。結果,巴士安全完成旅程,亦因此使飛鏢巴士成為目前唯一可以勝任颱風下駛過青馬大橋上層的車款了。縱然珀麗灣客運早已營運六架飛鏢巴士,但當遇上颱風環境下,六架巴士絕不能夠應付需求,即使陽光巴士本身已經協助珀麗灣,但在這特殊環境下,由於只有飛鏢獲得許可繼續提供服務,所以必定要向九巴借用巴士應急。長遠而言,這不是一個解決辦法,加上發展需要,珀麗灣最後向丹尼士購入兩批共八架的Super Pointer Dart低地台巴士。

這批Super Pointer Dart低地台巴士長度已經由十米增加至十一點三米,可以說是已經不再屬於短車的類別了。由於長度有所增加,又要兼顧攀爬斜坡及空調系統的需要,動力配搭亦由過往的康明斯B系引擎配Allison波箱,提升到康明斯ISBe引擎,符合歐盟三型廢氣排放標準,波箱則是福伊特D854.3。值得一提是所有Super Pointer Dart低地台巴士均在蘇格蘭TransBus廠房,即亞歷山大車身嵌工場所在地完成車身組裝工程才付運到港,而且是首批車尾裝有LED指揮燈的飛鏢巴士。

全數八架Super Pointer Dart低地台巴士共分三批,由二零零三年八月至二零零四年五月投入服務,當中LE5705更試驗裝上電子路線牌箱,隨後全數飛鏢低地台巴士更陸續裝上牌布,以取代貼在牌箱的路線貼紙。又於二零零五年尾,全線飛鏢巴士再由牌布改裝LED電子路線顯示屏。

為配合往返機場路線NR334開辦,珀麗灣客運於二零零七年引進多三架以亞歷山大丹尼士為品牌的Super Pointer Dart,車身披有獨特的塗裝,而且裝上大型行李架,但沒有提供擺放輪椅位置, 載客量亦由先前八架Super Pointer Dart的39人座位加25人企位,變成33人座位及33人企位,另外,入油位置亦改為於左邊車尾。

二零零八年年初,珀麗灣客運再引進多兩架上Super Pointer Dart,在這兩部新車到港並加入珀麗灣客運後,配用Plaxton Pointer車身的飛鏢新巴士將不復見,取而代之會是全新的飛鏢E200型,而其中LU2001更是全球最後一架配Pointer車身的飛鏢巴士。踏入二零一一年,珀麗灣開始陸續淘汰來自九巴的飛鏢,取而代之的是來自國內的青年大型低地台巴士。

二零一二年十二月,因應方便識別隊中不同類型巴士,珀麗灣車隊增設車隊編號,購自九巴的飛鏢獲得車隊編號101,普通版Super Pointer Dart為107-116,而機場路線的Super Pointer Dart則為201-203。101自二零一三年十二月下旬便再沒有派出載客,直到翌年四月中,其車牌轉到一架簇新的猛獅NL323上,同時標誌全數來自九巴的飛鏢已經退役。隨後於二零一四年年中,珀麗灣客運取消替旗車隊編配編號,而在飛鏢身上的編號亦隨之被移去。

Dennis Dart is obviously the backbone in the Park Island Transport Co. Ltd. Almost 80% of the fleet composed of Dennis Dart SLF. There are two versions of Dart serving in Park Island Transport Co. Ltd, 10m long Dart SLF from KMB and the brand new Super Pointer Dart SLF introduced since mid. of 2003. They are fitted with Plaxton Pointer 1 and Pointer 2 bodies respectively.

Why Dart SLF can get such success in Park Island Transport Co. Ltd? This is mainly because of the location of the Park Island. The connection of Park Island relied on buses and ferries, when there is typhoon signal No.8 hosted, ferries need to suspend and the only mean of transport is buses. However, when the wind speed is too high, upper level of Tsing Ma Bridge will be closed and no more buses can use the road to and from Park Island. As a result Park Island will be isolated.

It is believed that nobody will expect such situation happened. The parties concerned on this matter were then arrange a trial run of using Dart to Park Island under a day while typhoon signal No.8 hosted. Hopefully, the trial run is successful and Dart is allowed using the upper level of Tsing Ma Bridge under such situation. At that time, Park Island Transport Co. Ltd knew that only 6 Dart SLF cannot meet the demand when there is typhoon. Moreover, to cope with the development, they finally decided to introduce 8 Super Pointer Dart SLF.

Those Super Pointer Dart SLF cannot consider as Cute Bus anymore as their length were increased from 10m to 11.3m. To suit the operation conditions in Hong Kong, all of them fitted with Cummins ISBe engine which comply with the Euro 3 emission standard, gearbox is Voith D854.3 instead of Allison product. All of them were shipped to Hong Kong after finished their bodyworks at TransBus plant in Scotland, the assembly plant of Walter Alexander. In addition, they are the first batch of Dart with rear LED indicator light.

One of the Super Pointer Dart, LE5705, was installed with a electronic route display while the other were installed with rolling cotton display at the front. This can give a much clear and accurate routes information to passengers. All Dennis Darts were installed with LED route displays to replace the original rolling cotton display in 2005.

Three Alexander Dennis Super Pointer Dart decorated with special livery were entered service in Jun., 2007 for the opening of the Airport route NR334. These Super Pointer Darts featured with luggage-rack installed but not provide any space for wheelchairs. The capacity is 33 seating and 33 standing while the Dennis Super Pointer Dart is 39 seatings and 25 standees. The oil-tank inlet was relocated at the rear of the left.

Two more Alexander Dennis Super Pointer Darts were joined into the fleet in the early of 2008. After these Darts arrived in Hong Kong, the combination of Plaxton Pointer bodywork and Dart chassis will be replaced by the newly designed Enviro200Dart and LU2001 is the last Super Pointer Dart ever build in the world. Park Island Transport Co. Ltd started to withdraw the Dennis Dart SLF from KMB in 2011 and the role of them was taken by YoungMan full-sized single decker.

Fleet number was assigned on each bus in Park Island fleet including all Darts in Dec., 2012. The very first Dennis Dart and also the last Dart SLF from KMB to be survived in the fleet is classed as 101 while 107 -116 for the convention Super Pointer Dart. The remaining Super Pointer Dart serving airport service is numbered as 201 - 203. The registration number of 101 was transferred to a MAN NL323 after it was delicensed in Apr., 2014, though it was put out from service since the end of Dec., 2013.

The fleet number system cancelled by Park Island Transport Co. Ltd around the mid. of 2014 and afterwards, the fleet number on the Dart was gradually removed.

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[ Dennis Dart SLF purchased from KMB ][ Dennis/Alexander Dennis Super Pointer Dart SLF ]

Dennis Dart SLF purchased from KMB [back to top]

服役於九巴時車隊編號 Fleet No. in KMB fleet:AA51
車牌 Registration No.:HA9428
路線 Route: NR330
拍攝地點 Location:青衣 青敬路 Tsing King Road, Tsing Yi
車隊編號 Fleet No.:101
路線 Route: NR330
拍攝地點 Location:青馬大橋 Tsing Ma Bridge

服役於九巴時車隊編號 Fleet No. in KMB fleet:AA54
車牌 Registration No.:HB9775
路線 Route:
拍攝地點 Location:珀麗灣 珀麗路 Park Lai Road, Park Isalnd
路線 Route: NR330
拍攝地點 Location:青衣鐵路站巴士總站 Tsing Yi Railway Station Bus Terminus
The interior of HB9775

服役於九巴時車隊編號 Fleet No. in KMB fleet:AA56
車牌 Registration No.:HC1062
路線 Route: NR332
拍攝地點 Location:葵芳 新都會廣場 Metro Plaza, Kwai Fong
車牌 Registration No.:MK7855
路線 Route: NR332
拍攝地點 Location:珀麗灣 珀林路 Park Lam Road, Park Isalnd

服役於九巴時車隊編號 Fleet No. in KMB fleet:AA57
車牌 Registration No.:HC1387
路線 Route: 暫停服務 Not In Service
拍攝地點 Location:珀麗灣 珀麗路 Park Lai Road, Park Isalnd

服役於九巴時車隊編號 Fleet No. in KMB fleet:AA58
車牌 Registration No.:HC1586
路線 Route: NR330
拍攝地點 Location:青衣機鐵站 Tsing Yi AR Station
路線 Route: NR332
拍攝地點 Location:葵芳 葵富路 Kwai Foo Road, Kwai Fong
路線 Route: NR332
拍攝地點 Location:珀麗灣 珀林路 Park Lam Road, Park Isalnd

服役於九巴時車隊編號 Fleet No. in KMB fleet:AA59
車牌 Registration No.:HC1614
路線 Route: NR330
拍攝地點 Location:青衣機鐵站 Tsing Yi AR Station
路線 Route: NR330
拍攝地點 Location:青衣 青敬路 Tsing King Road, Tsing Yi
路線 Route: NR330
拍攝地點 Location:珀麗灣 珀林路 Park Lam Road, Park Isalnd

Dennis/Alexander Dennis Super Pointer Dart SLF [back to top]

車牌 Registration No.:LB8858
路線 Route: NR330
拍攝地點 Location:珀麗灣 珀麗路 Park Lai Road, Park Isalnd
LB8858車廂內部,The compartment of LB8858

車牌 Registration No.:LB9730
路線 Route: NR330
拍攝地點 Location:珀麗灣 珀林路 Park Lam Road, Park Isalnd
車隊編號 Fleet No. :108
路線 Route: NR334
拍攝地點 Location: 一號客運大樓,香港國際機場 Terminal 1, Hong Kong International Airport

車牌 Registration No.:LE5705
路線 Route:NR330
拍攝地點 Location:珀麗灣 珀林路 Park Lam Road, Park Island
路線 Route:NR332
拍攝地點 Location:葵芳 新都會廣場 Metro Plaza, Kwai Fong

車牌 Registration No.:LK9179
路線 Route:NR332
拍攝地點 Location:珀麗灣 珀林路 Park Lam Road, Park Island

車牌 Registration No.:LL3004
路線 Route: NR330
拍攝地點 Location: 珀麗灣 珀林路 Park Lam Road, Park Island

車牌 Registration No.:LL5041
路線 Route: NR330
拍攝地點 Location: 珀麗灣 珀林路 Park Lam Road, Park Island
路線 Route: NR332
拍攝地點 Location: 葵芳 葵富路 Kwai Foo Road, Kwai Fong
路線 Route: 暫停服務 Not In Service
拍攝地點 Location: 珀麗灣 珀麗路 Park Lai Road, Park Island

車牌 Registration No.:LL5808
路線 Route: NR332
拍攝地點 Location: 青嶼幹線 Lantau Link
路線 Route: NR334
拍攝地點 Location: 青嶼幹線收費廣場 Lantau Link Toll Plaza

車牌 Registration No.:NE3283
路線 Route: NR330
拍攝地點 Location:珀麗灣 珀麗路 Park Lai Road, Park Isalnd
車隊編號 Fleet No. :115
路線 Route: NR331
拍攝地點 Location: 荃灣 青山公路 Castle Peak Road,Tsuen Wan

車牌 Registration No.:LU2001
路線 Route: NR331
拍攝地點 Location: 大窩口 青山公路 Castle Peak Road,Tai Wo Hau
車隊編號 Fleet No. :116
路線 Route: NR331S
拍攝地點 Location: 珀麗灣 珀麗路 Park Lai Road, Park Isalnd

車牌 Registration No.:MW3441
路線 Route: NR334
拍攝地點 Location: 珀麗灣巴士總站 Park Island Bus Terminus
路線 Route: NR334
拍攝地點 Location: 珀麗灣 珀林路 Park Lam Road, Park Island
車隊編號 Fleet No. :201
路線 Route: NR334
拍攝地點 Location: 珀麗灣 珀林路 Park Lam Road, Park Island
The interior of MW3441

車牌 Registration No.:MW3648
路線 Route: NR330
拍攝地點 Location: 珀麗灣 珀麗路 Park Lai Road, Park Island
路線 Route: NR334
拍攝地點 Location: 珀麗灣 珀林路 Park Lam Road, Park Island
路線 Route: -
拍攝地點 Location: 珀麗灣 珀林路 Park Lam Road, Park Island

車牌 Registration No.:MW3933
路線 Route: NR330
拍攝地點 Location: 珀麗灣 珀林路 Park Lam Road, Park Island
路線 Route: NR334
拍攝地點 Location: 赤鱲角 暢興路 Cheong Hing Road, Chek Lap Kok

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