豐田 Coaster Toyota Coaster

編號 Class:TY,TCM



除了TY01及02外,嶼巴亦曾經於同年向冠忠集團引進三架,於一九九六年投入服務的十九座豐田Coaster JT743型小巴(GU3319,GU3661及GU4446),以配合往返梅窩碼頭及機場的A35因客量長期偏低而改用小型巴士行走,從而希望改善營運情況。對比上批引入的Coaster,這三架豐田小巴未有獲編配任何車隊編號,在加入嶼巴後除了披上機場專線車身色彩,並沒有進一步改裝便安排行走A35,以取代原有的丹尼士飛鏢及其他大型單層巴士。最後由於營運效益方面未有因此得到顯著改善,所以在大約六到九個月之後,嶼巴便將這三架Coaster退回冠忠,而A35亦恢復使用五十鈴作主力並最終於二零零八年大幅削減服務時間。

至於本章主角的豐田Coaster型號屬6DL,車隊編號為TCM01及02,全車可運載二十八名乘客並設有免費無線上網服務,機械配搭採用歐盟五型排放標準日野引擎及手動波箱,成為本港專營巴士中碩果僅存採用手動波箱的巴士。跟取代的三菱Rosa小巴一樣,嶼巴亦有替兩架Coaster配置路線牌箱,有關Hanover電子牌箱是從兩架退役的Rosa小巴移植過來。儘管TCM01及02早於二零二一年三月初交付嶼巴,但一直到七月中旬才派出服務乘客, 目前TCM01及02聯同餘下的三菱Rosa(MS13)成為嶼巴34路線主力,在沿線路上不難發現它們的蹤跡。

NLB route 34 was mainly served with minibus since it commissioned on 16 Aug., 1997 as a result of the narrow road conditions along Shek Mun Kap and Chek Lap Kok New Village. Mitsubishi Rosa acquired from Kwoon Chung Group was the important composition of the fleet serving route 34 and the evolutions of Rosa can also be observed in NLB fleet when fleet replacements took place. A tender for a pair of minibus which had to deliver in the end of Sep., 2020 was issued in Aug., 2020, it was expected that these minibuses were transferred from Kwoon Chung as only one month for the delivery. A pair of Toyota Coaster first new to Kwoon Chung in 2015 was transferred to NLB in Mar., 2021 which was the third batch of Coaster operated in the fleet with TCM as their fleet prefix.

Backed to 2001, NLB acquired a pair of 20-seaters Toyota Coaster classed as TY01 and TY02 first registered in 1997 from Kwoon Chung Group and they were mainly used on special service like 11S and 23S or private hiring instead of serving route 34 as the Rosa. The TY-class was then less seen working on the special services as a result of the opening of NP360 in 2006. In addition, the further relaxation of Tung Chung Road restriction after improvement works completed in 2009 allowed tourists can travel directly to Southern Lantau from the city, hence demand for private hire service of NLB was dropped dramatically. With the little demand and already reached their useful service life for 12 years, TY01 and 02 were finally retired in 2009.

Another 3 Toyota Coaster (model JT743) which can accommodate 19 seating passengers and entered service with Kwoon Chung in 1996 were joined NLB in 2001 for the conversion of route A35 to minibus operation due to low patronage. No fleet number was applied on these Coaster and they can be only identified by their registration number GU3319, GU3661 and GU4446. During their short service life for about 6 to 9 months in NLB, only decorated with a designated "Airport Line" livery with no further modification works for the use on route A35, they were soon returned to Kwoon Chung as it was not cost effective as expected and full-sized single decker was returned until the adjustment of service hours in 2008.

Looking back the TCM-class introduced in 2021, they were Coaster 6DL which can carry 28 seating passengers with free Wi-Fi networks provided. These Coaster 6DL were powered by a Euro 5 engine with manual transmission supplied by Hino and they were the only franchised bus model fitted with manual transmission in Hong Kong. The Hanover electronic route display fitted on them was came from the retired Mitsubishi Rosa. Though they were delivered in Mar., 2021 as mentioned above, they were first seen on serving route 34 until mid. of Jul., 2021 together with the survived Mitsubishi Rosa MS13.

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