猛獅 14.220 MAN 14.220

編號 Class:DBAY36,37


按照猛獅的命名準則,不難理解這是一台可以承重十四噸,配備馬力達二百二十匹引擎的底盤,愉景灣選用了荷蘭的Berkhof出品的2000 NLF車身,雙門配合低地台設計,方便乘客進出車廂,至於空調系統則由德國超卓提供。值得一提是Berkhof這個車身製造商對香港來說其實並不陌生,九十年代中期當粵港直通巴引進歐洲客車時,已經一併將Berkhof這名字帶來香港,而當城巴於一九九八年增購猛獅24.310雙層巴士時,亦是採用這家車身廠出品。說回這兩架猛獅中型單層巴士,當一九九九年抵達愉景灣時,由於隧道仍未竣工通車,於是便先行被安排行走區內路線,直到愉景灣隧道啟用後,才偶爾服務往返東涌巿中心的DB01R路線,其餘時間主要服務愉景灣區內路線。



When the construction of Discovery Bay Tunnel still processing, DBTSL actively in preparing the opening of the external routes including acquired additional buses. The first batch to be ordered was a pair of MAN 14.220 low floor midibus which was also the first MAN product in DBTSL fleet.

The gross vehicle weight and the maximum horsepower of the engine can be known from the model name according to the tradition nomenclature of MAN: the first two digits indicated the gross vehicle weight while the last three, the maximum horsepower of the engine. These two MAN 14.220 were bodied by Berkhof from Netherlands with it 2000NLF dual-door bodywork and passengers can get on and off from the bus easily as a result of the low floor designed bodywork. Berkhof was first introduced to Hong Kong in mid. of 1990s when GDHK purchased a large number of European coaches. In addition, when City Bus placed further order for MAN 24.310 double decker, Berkhof bodywork was chosen too.

When they were delivered in 1999, construction works of the tunnel was not yet completed and DBTSL deployed them on internal routes until the opening of the Discovery Bay Tunnel and supporting the external route DB01R when necessary. MAN 14.220 can accommodate 61 passengers with 36 seats provided with no wheelchair parking bay offered and a luggage rack was provided for commuters. Before 2008, only a front roller-blind route display was used on this pair of 14.220 and after refurbishment works carried out, front and nearside electronic route display was fitted.

The MAN 14.220 mainly served internal routes 9 and 9A and to cope with the new corporate image of Discovery Bay, a new Dbay corporate colour scheme was applied with their fleet number changed from HKR36 and 37 to DBAY36 and 37 respectively in 2010. Finally, they were replaced by the Alexander Dennis Enviro200Dart in Apr, 2014.

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車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY36
車牌 Registration No.:JC3426
路線 Route :5
拍攝地點 Location: 愉景灣 海寧徑 Vista Avenue,Discovery Bay
路線 Route :8
拍攝地點 Location: 愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay
路線 Route :C9
拍攝地點 Location: 愉景灣 海澄路 Siena Avenue, Discovery Bay
路線 Route :暫停服務 Not In Service
拍攝地點 Location: 愉景灣碼頭巴士總站 Discovery Bay Ferry Pier Bus Terminus
DBAY36車廂,The compartment of DBAY36

車隊編號 Fleet No.:HKR37
車牌 Registration No.:JC4122
路線 Route :DB01R
拍攝地點 Location: 東涌 達東路 Tat Tung Road, Tung Chung
車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY37
路線 Route :9S
拍攝地點 Location: 愉景灣 海澄路 Siena Avenue, Discovery Bay
路線 Route :9S
拍攝地點 Location: 愉景灣 愉景灣道 Discovery Bay Road,Discovery Bay
路線 Route :已退役 Withdrawn
拍攝地點 Location: 愉景灣 遊艇徑 Marina Drive, Discovery Bay

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