大宇 BH117L Daewoo BH117L

編號 Class:DBAY13,106200


過往,來自日本的五十鈴一直於本地客車市場中奪得不少的訂單,二零一一年日本發生了3‧11大地震,所產生的海嘯影響了車廠的生產能力,亦令到未能供應足夠新車予本港市場。大宇乘著這個空隙以優惠價格推介旗下產品,除了本地車身廠,亦可選配國內車身廠的產品,除了能夠滿足不同買家的需要,更重要可以於短時間內將新車交付客戶營運。說回愉景灣這批大宇,機械配搭為一台韓國斗山DL08K歐五排放引擎,搭配Allison T350(R)全自動波箱,當中一架配三點七米高車身的是代理樣板車,所配的引擎也是三百四十匹馬力版本,以迎合行走公路路段需要。餘下兩架大宇BH117L配用標準版高三點五米車身,引擎輸出馬力則稍為調低至三百匹。


To cope with the need after the opening of Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong, DBTSL acquired a batch of buses including three Daewoo BH117L coach from South Korea with local made Jit Luen JL-010 bodyworks.

Isuzu from Japan can share a large proportion in the local coach market in the past, however, after the 311 earthquakes in 2011, the productivity of Isuzu adversely affected and hence cannot satisfy the need of the local operators. Daewoo took this as a chance to enter the Hong Kong coach market with a bargain price and a wide range of body builders from both local and mainland China. As a result, operators not only can find the most suitable combination but also their coach can be delivered at the shortest time for revenue operation. The DBTSL Daewoo has the Doosan DL08K Euro 5 / Allison T350(R) driveline and one of them is a prototype with 340bhp engine for running on the highway and the height of bodywork is 3.7m. The remaining two are fitted with 3.5m high bodywork and a 300bhp engine.

Together with the Scania coaches (also bodied by Jit Luen), they were as hotel shuttle between Sunny Bay Station, Discovery Bay Ferry and the Disneyland when commissioned. DBTSL classed all Daewoo as DBAY53 (RX5334), 200 (RY9415) and 201 (RY9512). In the end of 2015, DBAY53 and 201 were transferred to serve the shuttle service of the Marina Club and renumbered as DBAY13 and 106 respectively which swapped with their original fleet number with the Yutong they replaced.

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車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY13
車牌 Registration No.:RX3334
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 遊艇徑 Marina Drive, Discovery Bay
車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY53
拍攝地點 Location:紅磡 暢運道 Cheong Wan Road, Hung Hom
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 海澄路 Siena Avenue, Discovery Bay

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY200
車牌 Registration No.:RY9415
拍攝地點 Location:中環 民光街 Man Kwong Street,Central

車隊編號 Fleet No.:DBAY201
車牌 Registration No.:RY9512
拍攝地點 Location:愉景灣 海澄路 Siena Avenue, Discovery Bay

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